A Jointly-supervised MSc Dissertation has been completed at the College of Electronic Engineering


Within the endeavor of Ninevah University for scientific cooperation with the British Universities, the first master thesis was completed under the joint supervision of Prof. Dr. Khalil Sayidmarie / Dept. of Communications Engineering and Prof. Dr. Raed Abdl-Hameed / School of Engineering & Informatics/ Bradford University.
Extending his support to the above activity, the president of Ninevah University Prof. Dr. Muzahm Al-Khyatt, attended the “Viva” of the dissertation and the presentation made by the MSc student Mamoon Ammar which was held on 22/9/2019 at the Faculty of Electronics Engineering. The dissertation, which is titled (( Investigation Into Metamaterial Applications for Microwave Devices)) was examined by the following committee:
1-Dr Yessar E. Ali/ College of engineering/Mosul University.
2- Dr Jafar R. Mohammed/ College of electronic engineering /Ninevah University.
3-Dr Younis M. Abbosh / College of electronic engineering /Ninevah University.
4-Prof Dr Khalil H. Sayidmarie / College of electronic engineering /Ninevah University, (supervisor).
5- Prof. Dr. Raed Abdl-Hameed / School of Engineering & Informatics/ University of Bradford/(supervisor).

The committee suggested to award Mr Mamoon the degree of MSc in communication engineering.