Postgraduate application information and competitive examination materials for applicants to study a master’s degree in the Department of Computer and Informatics Engineering for the academic year 2024/2025 and the scientific backgrounds that are allowed to apply.

Scientific background of applicants

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Informatics Engineering
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering

Number of academic seats

  • 7 academic seats

Competitive examination materials

sName of the material in ArabicName of the material in English
2برمجةComputer Programming
3تصاميم رقميةDigital Design
5معمارية الحاسوبComputer Architecture
6معالجاتMicroprocessors and Microcomputers
7معالجة اشارةDigital Signal Processing
8شبكات الحاسوبComputer Networks
9معالجة صورImage Processing
10زمن حقيقيReal Time Systems
11انظمة المعلوماتInformation Systems
12الانظمة الذكية وهندسة البرامجياتIntelligent Systems and Software Engineering
13سيطرة رقميةDigital Control Systems