Vision, Mission, and Goals of the Department of Communication Engineering

Vision of the Communication Engineering Department

The vision of the Communication Engineering Department is to become a nationally and internationally leading institution in the communication engineering. The department seeks to keep pace with developments and achieve distinction in the field of communications engineering, and to prepare adequate and necessary staff to meet the growing need in the labor market.

Mission of the Department of Communication Engineering

  1. Education: Providing specialized engineering educational programs with precise specialization for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, and offering a distinguished educational environment recognized for equipping its graduates with fundamental engineering education and good professional experience, enabling them to effectively contribute to their community and advance their profession.
  2. Research: Establishing a high-level research environment where professors, researchers, and students can conduct research in fundamental, applied, and exploratory engineering fields, and disseminate and apply available and new knowledge to serve the community, region, and engage with the world.
  3. Leadership: Developing leadership capabilities for members and students, instilling self-learning, insight, and deduction abilities so that those with talent in the profession can effectively lead the community.
  4. Community Service: Interacting with the community and engaging in the development of the country’s industry and engineering institutions, leading to social and economic development through consultations, continuous education, and commitment to solving industrial problems by conducting research to provide solutions.

The goals of the Department of Communication Engineering:

  1. Technical Competence: Demonstrate a solid technical competence for the analysis, design, implementation, operation, maintenance and management of communication systems aiming to provide proper solutions to problems of their professional field.
  2. Adaptability and Achievement: Work and interact in the different levels of an engineering project, attaining proposed goals and advancing in their professional career.
  3. Leadership: Lead and proactively participate in multidisciplinary teams with an attitude toward the effective achievement of objectives and goals.
  4. Professionalism: Conduct themselves correctly respecting the standards and ethical principles of the profession, and projecting themselves as responsible citizens and professionals.
  5. Continuing Education: Develop a continuous learning and training, assimilating the changes and advances in the profession, and completing specialization and postgraduate studies.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  1. Graduating competent engineers specializing in communications engineering with the ability to distinguish, analyse, and find suitable solutions for practical problems, as well as adeptly handling modern technologies.
  2. Graduating engineers who can interact and collaborate with specialized individuals, decision-makers, and others in a professional manner within the field of work and in the practice of their profession.
  3. Preparing graduates qualified to engage in postgraduate programs both locally and internationally and work in research centres.
  4. Conducting applied scientific research in the fields of communications engineering to address industrial and service-related issues within the community.
  5. Actively participating in the advancement and progress of society through organizing seminars, conferences, and continuous education in the field and specialties of communications engineering and adopting a continuous improvement approach for all activities and events.

Graduates Outcomes (GOs)

  1. An ability to distinguish, identify, define, formulate, and solve engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. An ability to produce engineering designs that meet desired needs within certain constraints by applying both analysis and synthesis in the design process.
  3. An ability to create and carry out proper measurement and tests with quality assurance, analyze and interpret results, and utilize engineering judgment to make inferences.
  4. An ability to skillfully communicate orally with a gathering of people and in writing with various managerial levels.
  5. An ability to perceive ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering cases and make brilliant judgments considering the consequences in worldwide financial, ecological, and societal considerations.
  6. An ability to perceive the continual necessity for professional knowledge growth and how to find, assess, assemble, and apply it properly.
  7. An ability to work adequately on teams and to set up objectives, plan activities, meet due dates, and manage risk and uncertainty.