The College of Law Council at the University of Nineveh convened for its ninth session of the 2023/2024 academic year. The meeting was chaired by the Dean of the College of Law, Professor Zeina Ghanem Al-Obaidi, and was attended by the majority of the respected council members.

The session began with a welcoming address by Professor Al-Obaidi to the council members. The council proceeded to deliberate on the agenda items, focusing primarily on:

-The discussion of fee reduction applications for students covered by the social welfare network, with a comprehensive presentation provided by Dr. Saad Abdulwahab Sheikh Isa, the Assistant Dean for Administrative and Financial Affairs.

-The review and approval of the meeting minutes from both the Public Law and Private Law departments, including the minutes from their respective scientific committees.

In her closing remarks, Professor Al-Obaidi expressed her gratitude to all college staff, encompassing both faculty members and the supporting administrative personnel, for their exceptional and invaluable contributions to the educational mission. She emphasized the significance of their efforts in advancing the goals of the college and serving our beloved country. She concluded with a prayer for continued success and divine guidance.