Dr. Jaafar Ramadan Mohammed, the Assistant to the University President for Academic Affairs, conducted an inspection visit to oversee the final examinations for the first semester of first-year students admitted in the third round at the College of Law.

Welcoming him were the esteemed Dean of the College, Dr. Zeina Ghanem Al-Obaidi, the Administrative Assistant, Dr. Saad Abdulwahab Al-Sheikh, and the Administrative Manager, Dr. Saddam Al-Jughayfi.

During the visit, Dr. Ramadan reviewed the progress of the examination process and its smoothness, while also inquiring with the students about the clarity of the questions and the availability of essential services to ensure an optimal examination environment.

Upon concluding the visit, Dr. Ramadan commended the diligent efforts of the college administration in providing all necessary resources for the students to undertake their examinations. He emphasized the importance of adhering to the directives of the ministry and university presidency. Dr. Ramadan extended his best wishes for the ongoing success and prosperity of the students.