On Thursday, May 9, 2024, the final examinations for the second semester commenced for all academic levels, both morning and evening studies, amid significant preparations by the college administration, its academic and administrative departments, and the examination committee.

Coinciding with the start of the exams, the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Zeina Ghanem Al-Obaidi, inspected the examination halls to ensure the robustness and quality of the exam process. She inquired with the students about the nature and comprehensiveness of the questions and their needs. She emphasized the importance of adhering to the examination regulations issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, respecting the exam hall entry times, and refraining from bringing mobile phones.

Prof. Dr. Al-Obaidi also reminded the teaching staff to adhere to the invigilation schedules and to leave the examination hall only when absolutely necessary. She appreciated their efforts in ensuring the smooth conduct of the exams and in creating a conducive environment for our dear students, wishing them success and prosperity.