Computer Networking and Internet Lab

The computer laboratory in the Department of Computer Network and Internet Sciences is of great importance in providing students with sufficient information and expertise in the field of using electronic systems, which helps students to develop their scientific and practical skills in the field of information technology that he needs during his educational career to keep pace with the rapid global development in modern electronic technologies, and is considered an electronic educational platform that contributes to the development of students’ scientific capabilities and also has importance in electronic education and electronic exams.

In addition, one of the functions of the laboratory within the college is to support the scientific and educational process in the college, raise the level of educational performance to achieve quality professionalism, focus scientific and research programs and adapt their contents and objectives, in addition to holding courses for employees, administrators and teachers within the college to use modern computer technology in their field of work to keep pace with the developments of contemporary technology, which lies in accomplishing large and numerous works with a short time limit and little effort and with professionalism and high and accurate technology, all of which serves to develop the educational institution in all its aspects.