“Heading one of the scientific sessions of the first conference of hematology and bone marrow transplantation by the President of University of Ninevah “

     Under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Health, Dr.Salih Alhasnawy, and the supervision of the general director of Ninevah Health Dr.Mansoor Maaroof Mansoor, and with the presence of the Italian delegation, University of Ninevah Presented Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani headed one of the scientific sessions of the first conference of hematology and bone marrow transplantation on Sunday 5/11/2023 at Alhadbaa specialized hospital. 

The session included research papers presented by the Italian delegation who supervised the first operation of bone marrow transplantation in Ninevah. 

 The session included a discussion of scientific research and the newest techniques in marrow bone transplantation and hematology. 

 The session ended with a discussion and acknowledgment for the university president to manage the session, Finally, we wish the university further success and prosperity.