Quality Assurance and Academic Performance Department

Tasks of the Quality Assurance and Academic Performance Department:

1. Creating suitable means to spread a culture of quality within the university and extending it to all colleges, institutes, centers, and departments.

2. Establishing a specialized library to gather information about quality systems and accreditation for regional and international educational institutions.

3. Setting clear standards for evaluating and improving the performance of faculty members based on the activation by the university’s colleges and academic departments, in accordance with the University Service Law.

4. Building an integrated system to evaluate and improve the performance of administrative staff in all relevant aspects, activated by the university’s departments and affiliated units.

5. Developing a comprehensive system for continuous self-assessment of all university operations and processes.

6. Implementing appropriate training programs according to the actual application needs of accredited quality programs for the staff within the department or its affiliated units, both domestically and abroad.

7. Providing support to colleges, institutes, and centers in selecting and adopting standards that will serve as a starting point towards academic accreditation.

8. Developing a plan to implement the quality program in colleges, institutes, and affiliated centers through coordination between the department at the university center and the affiliated units in colleges, centers, and institutes, based on predefined quality objectives.

9. Compiling detailed data and statistics about colleges, institutes, centers, and departments in the university to ensure their utilization in writing reports related to quality and accreditation.

10. Monitoring the implementation of the approved system through audit tours and periodic evaluation of sites, and monitoring the effectiveness of their performance.

11. Monitoring the commitment of colleges, institutes, centers, and university departments to quality standards and submitting reports to the university’s Quality Council.

Quality Assurance Division Tasks:

1. Monitoring the implementation of quality plans within the university regarding quality assurance to build an internal quality system that enhances the quality of the educational process.

2. Disseminating a culture of quality among faculty members, students, and all university staff and raising awareness of the importance of applying quality systems and academic accreditation.

3. Monitoring the university’s ranking within global classifications.

4. Preparing a comprehensive quality manual.

5. Preparing studies that reflect the university’s reality and developing a plan for improvement within international standards.

6. Implementing international academic accreditation standards according to the specialization of colleges, institutes, and centers to obtain accreditation from reputable institutions.

7. Conducting regular supervision and monitoring to implement quality assurance and accreditation standards within the university.

8. Conducting periodic surveys of educational process components, including student feedback, faculty feedback, and regular reports.

9. Preparing periodic reports on division activities and presenting them to the Quality Assurance and Academic Performance Department.

Academic Performance Evaluation Division Tasks:

1. Monitoring the completion of evaluation files for senior leadership in all university units.

2. Monitoring the completion of evaluation files for faculty members in all university units.

3. Monitoring the completion of evaluation files for research faculty members in all university units.

4. Monitoring the completion of evaluation files for staff in all university units.

5. Assisting university units through departments/units in quality assurance and academic accreditation to fill out evaluation files in the university.

6. Preparing analytical studies to improve the performance of university units.

7. Preparing periodic reports on the division’s activity and submitting them to the Presidency of the Quality Assurance and Academic Performance Department.

8. Compiling the results of analytical studies on performance evaluation, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, and providing necessary suggestions for development and improvement.

9. Monitoring the performance evaluation of university presidency affiliates.

Tasks of the Training and Technical Support Department:

1. Disseminate a culture of quality within the university departments.

2. Conduct training courses and developmental workshops for staff involved in quality and accreditation.

3. Provide comprehensive technical support to the Quality Assurance and Academic Performance Department in the field of information systems.

4. Develop a plan to organize all new quality-related events such as international quality conferences and workshops.

5. Undertake any other tasks assigned by the department head of Quality Assurance and Academic Performance.

6. Represent the department in performance evaluation committee activities.

7. Develop a plan for organizing workshops.

8. Develop a plan for organizing specialized seminars.

9. Develop a plan for organizing training courses.