A twinning agreement signed between Ninevah University and Northern Technical University

Within the framework of the objectives of the government program 2019/2020 and the work to achieve its requirements, the presidents of Ninevah University and Northern Technical University signed a joint cooperation agreement (twinning). Ninevah University was honored on Monday, 18/11/2019, to host a delegation headed by President of the Northern Technical University Prof. Dr. Mowaffaq Yahya Hamdoun.

This agreement is the beginning of the way to new horizons of joint cooperation between the two universities and to benefit from the exchange of experiences, and will include:
-Scientific and academic cooperation through the exchange of visits and experiences and lectures in joint coordination between the scientific departments. –The possibility of secondment of staff and placement of professors between both universities as lecturers and external examiners.
-Holding exhibitions and training courses to develop the capabilities of staff and training students through periodic visits between the parties.
-The development of joint programs to develop methods of quality control.
-Cooperation in the programming of websites and providing the required technical support.
– Using of the laboratories of the two universities by graduate students and the possibility of participating in research programs.
For his part, Prof. Dr. Mowaffaq Yahya Hamdoun, President of the Northern Technical University, said that this agreement will provide the two universities with the scientific specializations to push the scientific process and research plan towards integration and thus achieve one of the most prominent objectives of the government program 2019/2020.