Under the sponsorship of the president of the University of Ninevah Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani, and the supervision of the dean of the College of Law Prof. Dr. Zeena Ghanim Alobaidy, and with cooperation with Alnoor University College, College of Law at University of Ninevah has been held it's annual first international conference under the name of “The Law and the Digital World “ from 24-25 /9/ 2023, with a contribution of several researchers in the different international and Iraqi universities.
Prof. Dr. Yasin Taha Alhajjar (Dean of Alnoor University) and several university professors, clergymen, and senior citizens attended the first day of the conference.
The conference was opened by the statement of the university President and he mentioned the apparent development that the university witnessed on all sides, he also emphasized its opening of the different universities, the governmental and private colleges, referring that this conference and the mutual activities are regarded an execution of the agreement between the two universities, and he spoke about the Law and the digital world showing the importance of enactment and legislation that regulates the work in the middle of the development the world witnessed through the technology development, and he recommended a number of recommendations that aims to develop and add the recent syllabus to the program of College of Law to keep up with the scientific and technological developments, after this the Dean of the College of Law started her statement through which showed the necessity to put a legislative guarantee to achieve the digital transference since its a necessity that is irreplaceable rather it must be kept and protected through the rules that were suggested by the researcher.
The first day of the conference included sessions headed by Prof . Ammar Almashhadani and the membership of Dr. Bashar Rashees and asst. lecturer Osama Wael Suliman, thus the participant research on the first day was:
1. Prof. Dr. Haider Husain Kadhim Alsalman / College of Law, University of Karbala “ The Digital World and the Matters of Personal Status under the effective Iraqi Legislation.
- Lecturer Dr. Rana Saad Shakir Alsofy / Alnoor University College, Department of Law, Dr. Fadia Adnan Hasan Altaei /Ninevah Education Directorate, “Social Networking site and Reflection on the Marital Life”.
- Asst. Prof. Dr. Salih Hussain Ali / Alnoor University College, Department of Law “ The Electronic Voting between Strength and Weakness”.
- Lecturer Dr. Abdullah Salim Abdullah / College of Law / University of Ninevah “The Electronic Ruining and its Effect on the Martial Life a Legal Legitimate View”
- Dr. Yosra Waleed Ebrahim / College of Law/ University of Mosul, “Digitizing the Real Estate in Iraq: A Contrastive Study. “
- Lecturer Dr. Nawaf Ali Altaei / College of the Law / University of Ninevah “ A Compensation of Privacy Violation in the Social Media “.
- Prof.Dr. Fadia Ahmed Hasan Altaei / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research Centre “, “ A Scope of Civil Protection of the Digital Storytelling in the Iraqi Legislation/ A Contrastive Study “
- Lecturer Dr. Abeer Nooriv, Dr. Amal Ali Almusawi, and Ms . Duaa Salih Shaalan / College of Law/ University of Karbala “ The Role of Law in Using the Digital Space and its Social Effects “
- Dr. Oday Mohammed Ali Alhelat / College of the Law/ University of Yarmuk – Jordan .” The Role of Electronic Administrative Control in Protecting the Cybersecurity “. A Contrastive Study.
- Lecturer Dr. Zaid Luqman Ismail Abdy / College of Law / University of Ninevah / Protecting the Rights in Digital Privacy in the Contemporary International Law “.
The first day of work is concluded by presenting the conference shield to the University President and the dean of Alnoor University College for their interest in sponsoring this conference, and finally, we wish Allah to grant us success.