The Continuing Education Center at the University of Ninevah Organizes an Awareness Lecture Entitled “The Role of Parents in Motivating Children to Practice Sports”

Under the patronage of the President of the University of Ninevah, Prof. Dr. Osama Al-Mashhadani.

On Monday, March 10, 2025, the Continuing Education Center at the University of Ninevah organized an awareness lecture entitled “The Role of Parents in Motivating Children to Practice Sports” at the College of Information Technology hall.

The lecture was delivered by Asst.Prof. Dr. Dhakir Mahfouz Hamed, in the presence of a distinguished group of professors, students, and interested individuals.

The lecture addressed the importance of encouraging parents to motivate their children to practice sports and its impact on improving physical and mental health while promoting positive values. It also highlighted the main challenges children face in engaging in physical activities and how to overcome them through a supportive and motivating environment.

The lecture was marked by significant interaction from the audience, with numerous questions and discussions about the best ways to support children in building healthy sports habits. Successful experiences and practical models to enhance sports activity among children and youth were also presented.

At the conclusion of the lecture, the participants came up with several important recommendations, the most notable of which were:
• Enhancing the family’s role in encouraging children to practice sports through active participation and providing a motivating environment.
• Integrating physical activity into daily life by reducing long sitting times in front of screens and promoting movement-based games and sports activities.
• Raising community awareness about the importance of sports through media campaigns and awareness lectures in schools and universities.
• Providing suitable sports facilities in neighborhoods and schools to enable children to practice sports safely and easily.
• Supporting school sports programs and encouraging participation to foster team spirit and positive competition among students.