“University of Ninevah participated in the course of preparing coaches for the modern teaching Methodologies“

 The University of Ninevah represented by the director of the Department of Studies, planning, and Following Dr.Saad Mohammed, and the assistant lecturer in the College of Nursing Reem Hani Majeed participated in the course of preparing coaches for the modern teaching methodologies in the Iraqi universities and it was held by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, department of studies, planning, and following/human development department section at the hall of the central conference hall university AUIO on Sunday 9/7/2023. 

The course was opened by the statement of the deputy expert group Prof. Dr. Saad Ali Zayir and he expressed his acknowledgment to AUIQ in advance for hosting this course for the trainers in the different Iraqi universities. 

This course was attended by more than 100 trainers from different Iraqi universities with different academic titles in addition to a group of experts and training advisors. Finally, we hope Allah grants us more success and prosperity.