Statement by the President of Nineveh University

The establishment of Nineveh University represents a new scientific beacon in Nineveh Governorate, this ancient province that embraced the ancient civilization of Nineveh and witnessed the founding of the first schools.


The law establishing Nineveh University was issued on March 3, 2014, to start its scientific journey with two youthful colleges, namely the College of Medicine and the College of Electronics Engineering, which have been established for 12 years. The affiliation of these colleges was transferred from Mosul University to Nineveh University in 2014, forming two solid pillars in the young university, aiming to embark on a new phase of maturity and strive towards a prestigious position among Iraqi universities.


Inspired by the noble verse “Read! In the name of your Lord who created” as the motto of Nineveh University, the university draws great significance from this verse, emphasizing that reading and academic achievement are paths of guidance leading to the set goal. The university aims to be Iraqi for all Iraqis, where there is no distinction except by the measure of knowledge and contribution.


This young university, only a few years old, coincided with the tragedy of the occupation of Mosul by the terrorist ISIS gangs and the subsequent displacement conditions in its early days. The university worked to find alternatives and continued to operate outside its environment during the occupation. After liberation, it witnessed stages of reconstruction, competing against time to rebuild its infrastructure, organize administrative and technical structures, and quickly rise to catch up with universities that preceded it by decades under ideal and stable conditions.


In 2020, we managed to establish four colleges according to the requirements of the labor market (Pharmacy, Nursing, Information Technology, and Law), adding medical, engineering, scientific, and humanities disciplines to the university, as well as introducing evening studies in most of them. We also established new scientific departments and branches to meet the requirements of the labor market, including Biomedical Engineering, Medical Devices Branch, and Industrial Electronics Branch in the College of Electronics Engineering, in addition to establishing postgraduate studies in the Communications Engineering Department.


On the urban level, our university acquired a land of 1100 dunums in the Al-Adhba area, the southern entrance of Mosul city, to establish an advanced university city on the right side of Mosul city, which will provide additional advantages by facilitating access and communication with more residents of Nineveh province and other Iraqi provinces, especially southern Nineveh. Today, the Al-Adhba land witnesses the completion of many projects, including the university gate, the outer fence, in addition to completing the buildings of the Follow-up and Reconstruction Departments, and referring other projects for implementation. A portion of this land has been allocated for the implementation of many planned investment projects (educational hospital, pharmaceutical and intravenous solutions laboratories, residential complexes, sports fields, student dormitories).


On the scientific level, our university entered many local and international rankings, competing with universities that preceded it by decades. Our university also signed many scientific cooperation agreements with various local and international universities. The university seeks to focus on developing its role and capabilities in the aspect of research dissemination and scientific promotions.


In conclusion, we need all university affiliates and everyone to feel that this university is their university, and it is an important page in their history. Everyone should strive earnestly and diligently to make this page shining white, a cause for pride, an indicator of excellence, and exceptional success.


I say frankly to everyone that they should be persistent, and those who do not find the ability to work with this spirit will find themselves lagging behind. I am confident that the majority of the university staff are distinguished and creative… May God help everyone in the service of this great scientific institution.

Professor Dr. Osama Ismail Al-Mashhadani

President of Nineveh University