“University of Ninevah president checking the stages of reconstructing the dormitory in Aljawsaq site”

As a sign of the university’s concern about following the reconstruction process of the university’s projects, Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani has checked the stages of reconstructing the dormitory in the Aljawsaq site accompanied by the administrative assistant Prof.Dr. Ammar Almashhadani, the director of the Department of Construction and Projects the assistant lecturer Eng. Thakir Tahsin Yahya, the engineering cadres, and the executing company

Almashhadani reviewed the completion rate which reached the advanced stages, and it is expected to receive this building by the beginning of this year to offer good accommodation for students outside the city, and thus this complex will be enough for 80 students, it has a reading hall and other facilities that meet the needs of its habitats. 

 It’s worth mentioning that this building is established from the funds of territorial development and from the projects that were listed by Nineveh governorate for the interest of the university, moreover, university of Ninevah presidency strive to expand its development projects to take its real place and to give our beloved students the best educational services.