“University of Ninevah president’s participation in the mee that was held by the prime minister with the universities presidents and the senior staff “

 With the presence of the minister of Higher education and scientific research Prof. Dr. Naeem Alebody, the universities presidents, and the senior staff, the University of Ninevah president Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani participated in the meeting that was held by Prime Minister Mohammed Shayaa Alsudani on Wednesday 19/7/2023. 

    In the beginning, Alsudani welcomed all the attendees and he referred to the Iraqi Universities and what they achieved by competing with the Arabic and International Universities by entering into sober global rankings despite the challenges they faced because of the siege, occupation, and war, and Iraq possesses a huge scientific and academic expertise that qualifies it to upgrade the level if higher education through implementing the governmental program and electronic governance and selection of universities outputs to meet the requirements of the labor market. 

In addition, Alsudani emphasized the importance of developing the staff, putting the real tests that determine the correct entitlement, and keeping the educational institution away from political pressure, also he stressed that the system of scientific promotions should not be limited to publishing research but rather to factual conferences that attract initiatives and activities, the need to take advantage of the scholarship students and putting them in the right places to achieve the desired benefit of their emission.

And finally, he heard a brief explanation of the Ministry’s plan to improve the educational reality and the university’s president’s suggestions and visions, etc.