“University of Ninevah president as a representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the 8th Philippines -Iraqi Joint Commission Meeting Manila, Philippines”

Based on what has been mentioned in the official letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations (n. p.o 26121) on 7/8/ 2023.

University of Ninevah president Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani participated as a representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the 8th Philippines -Iraqi Joint -Commission Meeting in Manila, Philippines on Wednesday 30/8/2023 concerning the cooperation between the two countries in the educational sector.

  1. Both sides discussed cooperation in many fields as summarized in the following :
  • Exchanging the scholarships to get the initial certifications and high degrees in the different specializations.
  • Making and preparing bilateral workshops and training courses.
  • Supporting the program of scientific research for the lecturers of both sides by presenting the research grants.
  • The joint scientific supervision of the higher studies students.
  • The exchange of publications concerning international research and the standard curriculum of both universities.
  1. Both sides have discussed the ability to prepare a mutual memorandum of understanding that contains the targets and cooperation between both universities.
  2. Training the professors and several students of the Iraqi College of Nursing (2nd and 3rd stages) in the Philippines Colleges of Nursing.
  3. Presenting scholarships for Filipino University students in the project of the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education ( Study in Iraq) for the initial and higher studies in the different specializations.