President of the University of Nineveh presides over one of the scientific sessions at the eleventh conference of the Iraqi Medical Association in Britain

In line with the university’s approach towards openness and participation in local and international scientific events, a delegation from the University of Nineveh, led by the President of the University, Professor Dr. Osama Al-Mashhadani, along with a group of professors from the College of Medicine specializing in various fields, participated in the eleventh conference of the Iraqi Medical Association in Britain and Ireland, held in London on May 11, 2024.

The conference included a series of scientific sessions, one of which was chaired by our university president, in addition to his participation as a speaker in the same conference. The university delegation discussed with representatives of the Iraqi Medical Association in Britain ways to collaborate and cooperate in medical fields to serve the educational process and the medical reality in our beloved country, wishing our university professors continued dedication and progress.