July 23, 2023


“University of Ninevah president’s participation in the mee that was held by the prime minister with the universities presidents and the senior staff “

With the presence of the minister of Higher education and scientific research Prof. Dr. Naeem Alebody, the universities presidents, and the senior staff, the University of Ninevah president Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani participated in the meeting that was held by Prime Minister Mohammed Shayaa Alsudani on Wednesday 19/7/2023. In the beginning, Alsudani welcomed all the...

“University of Ninevah president checking the stages of reconstructing the dormitory in Aljawsaq site”

As a sign of the university’s concern about following the reconstruction process of the university’s projects, Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani has checked the stages of reconstructing the dormitory in the Aljawsaq site accompanied by the administrative assistant Prof.Dr. Ammar Almashhadani, the director of the Department of Construction and Projects the assistant lecturer Eng. Thakir Tahsin...