May 20, 2024


Master’s Thesis at the University of Nineveh on (Advanced Antenna Design for RF Energy Harvesting Systems)

On Sunday, the College of Electronics Engineering at the University of Nineveh discussed the master’s thesis of student Mohammad Moataz Hassan, titled (Advanced Antenna Design for RF Energy Harvesting Systems). The discussion was attended by the university president, Professor Dr. Osama Al-Mashhadani, along with the dean of the college, Prof. Dr. Khalid Khalil Mohammed, the...

President of the University of Nineveh Visits the College of Nursing and Inspects the Final Exams for the Academic Year 2023/2024

On the morning of Wednesday, May 15, 2024, the President of the University of Ninevah, Prof. Dr. Osama Al-Mashhadani, visited the College of Nursing. He was received by the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Radwan Hussein Ibrahim, along with the college staff. The purpose of this visit was to inspect the conduct of the...