According to his directions, and on behalf of the university president Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani, the scientific assistant Prof. Dr. Jaafar Ramadan Mohammed, and the administrative assistant Prof.Dr. Ammar Almashhadani, the Dean of the College of Electronics Engineering Prof.Dr.Khalid Khaleel and a number of the presidency staff attended a part of the Ph.D. discussion at the College of Engineering University of Mosul for the diligent researcher Mohammed Abduljaleel Ibrahim a lecturer at the College of Electronics Engineering/ University of Ninevah, the dissertation dealt with the subject of “ Intelligent Control Strategy for High-Performance Reluctance Motor Drive”.
The study has many conclusions that deal with Engineering and technical problems with electric power-generating engines that are used in modern electric vehicles and after a thorough discussion, the researcher got a very good score.
It’s noteworthy that the researcher published more than six unique research in sober scientific journals classified as scoops warehouse and Clarivate, last but not least, we wish the student further success and prosperity.