A master’s dissertation at University of Ninevah discussing the subject of “Hidden Object Recognition Using Deep Learning Algorithms”.

 In the presence of University of Ninevah President Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani, the dean of the College of Electronics Engineering Prof. Dr. Khalid Khaleel Mohammed, a number of the college professors, and the students of the higher studies, the Department of Communication Engineering at the University of Nunevah has discussed the master dissertation of the student Narmin Hussein Haji under the title of “Hidden Object Recognition Using Deep Learning Algorithms”. 

    The research dealt with using the deep neural network to identify the presence or absence of fragments in a sample that contains four layers (skin, fat, muscle, and bone) 

The signal was directed by using a broadband antenna through a magnetic simulator to build the model that analyzes the aggregated signals.

The dissertation has reached good results in knowing the existence of the fragment its size and its depth in the human body, a convolutional neural network is used to improve the system performance, and actually, a good result is achieved in determining the fragment its size and place.

  Thus, the dissertation recommended that further research and developments in this area could improve medical imaging techniques and improve patient care. 

     The discussion committee consisted of the following members below: 
  1. Prof. Dr. Jaafar Ramadan Mohammed/ University of Ninevah / College of Electronics Engineering/ chairman.
  2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdulsattar Mohammed Khudur / Northern Technical University/ member
  3. Lecturer Dr. Zainab Rami Saleh / University of Ninevah / College of Electronics Engineering/ member.
  4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Younis Mohammed Abosh / University of Ninevah / College of Electronics Engineering/ member.
  5. Asst. Prof. Dr. Dhyaa Mohammed Ali / University of Ninevah / College of Electronics Engineering/ a member and supervisor. This dissertation was accepted by doing some amendments, Finally, we wish the student further success and prosperity.