Under the sponsorship and supervision of the University of Ninevah President Prof.Dr. Osama Almashhadani and in conjunction with the beginning of the academic year of 2023-2024, the Department of Media and Government Communication at University of Ninevah has published the first issue of its university newspaper under the name of (Ninevah College), Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani is the editor with the membership of the manager of the department of Media and Government Communication Mr. Tawfiq Younis Ali as a managing editor.
The newspaper contains eight pages and is published monthly as a form of paper and electronically to form a new window through which the students and society will familiarise themselves with the university’s activities in addition to the university’s news and community service.
On this occasion, Almashhadani congratulated the university for this achievement, praising the efforts of the manager and members of the Department of Media and Government Communication, the art direction at the University of Mosul for their cooperation in making this newspaper, and he expressed his wishes to the university to have a further success and progress.