College of Medicine in University of Nineveh held its 6th student conference
Under the patronage of the president of Ninevah university Prof. Dr. Osama Almashhadani ( also Dean of college of Medicine) , and under the supervision of the Assistant Dean of the college of Administrative affairs ( chairman of the preparatory committee, and with the presence of the assistant chancellor of the University for Scientific affairs Prof. Dr. Jaafar Ramadan Mohammed also with the attendance of the college professors and students.
The conference is opened by a statement of the chairman of the preparatory committee stating the importance of this conference for students followed by another statement of the scientific assistant about the university and college achievements in the scientific and academic forums.
The conference included three sessions, 25 of students researchers were discussed in the middle of an extensive debate about the contents of the researches under the college professor’s supervision, the conference concluded with the opening of a scientific productions of students work, in addition to distributing a shield for the top ten students in the last year conference, and honoring the moderators the associate professors, and committee members with a certificates of appreciation . At last we wish our students anf professor a further prosperity to serve the college to enhance its visibility to get the international accreditation. Last but not least we wish Allah to grant us success.