Master’s Thesis at the University of Nineveh Discusses the Design and Optimization of RF Rectifier Circuits for Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Nodes

On Sunday, May 26, 2024, the College of Electronics Engineering at the University of Nineveh discussed the master’s thesis of student Othman Anwar Mohammed, titled “Design and Optimization of RF Rectifier Circuits for Self-Powered Wireless Sensor Nodes.”

The thesis addressed energy harvesting, which is the technique of capturing energy from the external environment of a system and converting it into usable electrical energy. Typically, control circuits for electricity and protection of the energy storage cell are included in the energy harvesting system. A comparison was made between different types of rectifier circuits for harvesting RF energy.

The thesis aimed to design and simulate six types of rectifier circuits, including half-wave, full-wave, voltage doubler, Villard charge pump, Greinacher charge pump, and Dickson charge pump.

The discussion committee consisted of the following members:

  1. Prof. Dr. Qais Zannun Najm – Chairman
  2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Tareq Yaseen – Member
  3. Asst. Prof. Harith Ahmed Mohammed – Member
  4. Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed – Member and Supervisor