The College of Information Technology holds a lecture entitled “Electronic Psychological Warfare and Intellectual Terrorism”

Based on the directives of the University President, Professor Dr. Osama Al-Mashhadani, and under the direct supervision of the Dean of the College of Information Technology, Prof. Dr. Manar Younis Kashmoula, and within a series of activities related to terrorism and intellectual extremism and ways to address them.

The College of Information Technology held the second workshop in this regard, entitled (Electronic Psychological Warfare and Intellectual Terrorism).

The workshop was delivered by Asst. Prof. Dr. Mona Salem Hussein, the instructor in the Software Department, for third stage students.

The workshop addressed the issue of psychological warfare in cyberspace and the problems raised by weak-minded people to attract impulsive and deceived youth energies into terrorist plans and approaches to recruit them to carry out terrorist operations.
The workshop also touched on the correct approach to verifying information in the world of the Internet and various social media outlets, and ways to restrict information to the correct sources.

The workshop concluded with a call to reduce terrorism and its ideas due to its psychological effects, from which our Iraqi society is still in the process of recovering, in the hope of building a prosperous Iraq with the help of youth.