The Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance assesses the training workshop on “Climate Change and its Impact on Iraq – Causes and Solutions

This initiative aligns with the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, specifically the Department of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation, to achieve the tenth goal of the National Policy for the National Initiative for Energy, Water, and Emission Reduction. The goal focuses on spreading awareness among employees and students in the field of energy and environmental sustainability by 80% from 2023 to 2030. The workshop, sponsored by the University of Nineveh’s President, Professor Dr. Osama Al-Mashhadani, addressed climate change and its effects on Iraq, covering causes and solutions. The training included candidates from university departments, instructed by environmental experts. Notable speakers included Dr. Qais Dhanoon Najm, Head of the Electronic Engineering Department, and Nashwan Shaker Mustafa, Head of Chemists, both from the University of Nineveh, along with Luei Ghazi Sheet, responsible for the Safety and Environment Unit in the Nineveh Sewage Directorate. Candidates were encouraged to organize annual awareness lectures on energy and environmental sustainability for all employees and students in each department and stage according to their formation.